Friday, October 31, 2008

People and Their Pets at Halloween-Videos

This is my favorite. The Dog Whisper Costume.

Make no doubt about it, people are dressing their pets up this Halloween.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dental Care for Dogs...A Must for Your Dog's Health

Dogs are like people, they need dental care.

Caring for dog's teeth is something that pet owners have to incorporate into their daily lives much like a dog walk.

Many dogs are reluctant to have their teeth brushed.

However, over time they tend to get quite use to it.

Clean your dog's teeth at least every other day and I try to do it everyday.

Below is video with more explanation....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Boxer Dog Lullaby-You Will Not Believe Until You See It

This guy sings the Boxer Dog Puppies to sleep....Just click here to view....

Top Dog Cartoon!

Thursday, October 16, 2008 Too Much Fun!!

We found this site on stumble upon it!

Their comments are....We love dogs, we love Upside Down Dogs even more. There are some great pictures, plus you can submit your own upside down dog.

Have fun!!

Also, see our Boxer Dogs, Gabe and Luke, pictures at their site Simply Boxer Dogs. Also, they have put together some of their favorite humorous Boxer Dog videos.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boxer Dog Halloween Costume-Larry the Cable Guy??

Looking for the Top 5 Pet Costumes this year, I ran across a new Larry the Cable Guy.

Of course, they had it on a Boxer Dog....

Boxer Dog Videos...Very, very funny.....Or view more pictures of Boxer Dogs Gabe and Luke.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

15 Reasons Why We Love Boxer Dogs…Because:

15 Reasons Why We Love Boxer Dogs…Because:

1. Their expressive faces, you always know what is on their minds.
2. Their never ending energy.
3. Their playfulness.
4. Their protectiveness of our families.
5. Their floppy ears.
6. Their goofy look on their faces.
7. Their soft jowls, that need toweling off after meals.

Hey...see the next 8 at our website